Odd Man Out: The Story Behind Our Handyman Business Name

In a world where conformity often seems like the norm, standing out can sometimes be seen as a disadvantage. But for Chris and Merv, the driving force behind our handyman business, Odd Man Out isn't just a name; it's a reflection of their values, their faith, and their commitment to serving others.

Chris has always been different from the crowd, and that's exactly what drew me (Hi, this is his wife speaking) to him. His honesty, thoughtfulness, and strong work ethic set him apart in a world where those qualities can sometimes be hard to find. When we were brainstorming names for our business, it only seemed fitting to choose one that encapsulated what makes Chris and Merv unique.

At first glance, "Odd Man Out" might remind of of your elementary days when you didn’t wan to be the last one picked for games, but for Chris and Merv, it's a badge of honor. It represents their willingness to defy the status quo and live according to their convictions, even when it's not the popular choice.

One of the key aspects that sets Chris and Merv apart is their faith in God. Their belief in Jesus Christ isn't just a part of his life; it's the foundation upon which they builds everything else. Romans 12:2 guides their approach to both business and life: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

This faith motivates Chris and Merv to serve others selflessly. While some may view their work simply as a means to a paycheck, Chris and Merv see it as an opportunity to make a positive impact on people's lives. When they enter a customer's home, they aren't just focused on completing the job; they genuinely care about the people they're serving.

Humility is another hallmark of their character. They are not afraid to admit when they are wrong or seek help when needed. He and Merv are committed to doing their best work, and they're willing to go the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction. If they make a mistake, they own up to it and make it right—a rare quality in today's world.

Ultimately, Chris and Merv are more than just handymen; they're good, honest men who are dedicated to serving others with integrity and humility. They are Odd Man Out in the best possible way—standing out for all the right reasons.

So, the next time you need a helping hand around the house, remember Odd Man Out. Not only will you get quality workmanship, but you'll also experience the genuine care and dedication that sets Chris and Merv apart from the rest.


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